I’ve been tinkering with Rust for a few years at this point, on and off. Recently, I’ve been playing around trying to understand how its iterators work. They feel fairly similar in nature to Java’s streams. I thought it would be a fun exercise to try to partially re-implement Java’s streams with inspiration from Rust, including some common operations you typically see on streams, such as mapping, filtering and collecting results.

One important thing to note about both Rust’s iterators and Java’s streams is that they are both lazy. What that means is that you can define all the operations that you want to occur upon the stream up front, but nothing is applied until a terminal operation is executed. You can think of this like a series of stages in a pipeline, where each stage operates on each item within the stream individually, before passing it (unless it is discarded) onto the next. Each operation on the stream can be considered a stage of the pipeline, but the it’s the terminal operation that actually sends the items in the stream through it and receives a result at the end.

Let’s illustrate with some code:

Stream<Integer> ints = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(n -> n > 2).map(n -> n * 2);
List<Integer> result = ints.collect(Collectors.toList());

In the first line of this example we’ve effectively set up our pipeline, with a filter stage first and a map stage second. Once the first line has been executed, no actions have been taken upon the stream.

When the second line is executed, the collect method, which is a terminal operation, collects the result of executing the stream into a list. Therefore, once the second line is executed, result will be a list containing two items: [6, 8]. The map operation was only ever called with values 3 and 4. Values 1 and 2 were discarded by the filter stage and never made it to map.

Another thing to note about streams is that although they are typically used in Java to support functional programming, they typically contain state and once consumed, they can no longer be used:

Stream<Integer> s = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4);
List<Integer> a = s.collect(Collectors.toList()); // returns list of [1, 2, 3, 4]
List<Integer> b = s.collect(Collectors.toList()); // throws IllegalStateException

It’s a similar story with Rust’s iterators. The collect method takes self (as opposed to &self or &mut self) which typically means that calling collect moves the iterator into the method and a new value is returned. This has the effect of consuming the iterator.

Getting started

Let’s begin fleshing this out by defining some types. First, a Stream:

public interface Stream<T> {
  <R> Option<R> next();

This interface is generic over T, which allows us to create streams of any type. The only method required to implement this interface is next which should return the next value in the stream. This is similar to how Rust’s iterators work, where the Iter trait (analogous to a Java interface) defines that implementations should provide a next method which returns the next value.

We’ve used another type parameter R here to represent the type of the next value, which might seem odd, but recall that you can have a stream which maps to another stream of a different type. For instance, you might have a stream of Person and perhaps you want to turn that into a stream of names which are strings, by calling the getName method on each Person.

Finally, there’s a type Option that we’ve not yet defined:

public class Option<T> {
  private final boolean some;
  private final T value;

  private Option(boolean some, T value) {
    this.some = some;
    this.value = value;

  public boolean isSome() {
    return some;

  public boolean isNone() {
    return !isSome();

  public T getValue() {
    if (isNone()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Option is none");
    return value;

  public static <T> Option<T> some(T value) {
    return new Option<>(true, value);

  public static <T> Option<T> none() {
    return new Option<>(false, null);

This is a crude way of implementing Rust’s Option type, which is very similar to the Optional type in Java land. It can either contain some value, or be none. We use a boolean field some which represents whether the type contains something and a field value of generic type T to hold the actual value. There’s a few methods there that we can use to tell if the Option is some or none and a couple of static methods that we can use to construct either a none variant, or a some variant with a value.

We’ll use this Option type to represent whether the Stream::next method has a next value (it returns some value), or if the stream has been consumed (it returns none).

Terminal operations

The next piece of the puzzle is how we actually consume the stream and execute the pipeline we’ve set up.

In Java’s streams, there’s a method named collect which can be called on a stream with a collector argument which dictates what type the resulting value will be and how it will be generated from the stream.

Rust’s iterators also have a collect method but instead of accepting an argument, it uses Rust’s powerful type system to work out which method will be called to build the result, by either passing a generic type parameter or by inferring the type from the type of the variable/binding receiving the result of the call.

Since we’re doing this in Java, we’ll go for a similar approach. First let’s define the Collector type:

public interface Collector<T, R> {
  R collect(Stream<T> stream);

The Collector is a single method interface over generic types T and R where T is the type of the item in the stream upon which it operates and R is type that the collector returns. Each Collector need only implement a collect method which accepts a Stream<T> and returns whatever R is appropriate.

Next, in order to allow us to call collect on any stream, we’ll add a default method to the Stream interface which accepts a Collector to allow it to consume the stream and return a value:

public interface Stream<T> {
  // ...

  default <R> R collect(Collector<T, R> collector) {
    return collector.collect(this);

The method added here defines a new generic type R and uses it to tie the return type of the collect method to the R type parameter of the collector. Given the Collector definition above, this means that whatever type the Collector returns from its collect method will be the type that we return from Stream’s collect method. To illustrate this, take for example a ListCollector defined like this:

public class ListCollector<T> implements Collector<T, List<T>> {
  // implementation omitted...

If we were to pass an instance of the above ListCollector into Stream::collect, then it would return a List<T> where T is the type of item the stream holds.

Something concrete

That’s enough of the initial setup for the time being. Let’s start defining something more concrete.

We’ll define a base implementation of the Stream that will just hold some data. Successive calls to next will return each of the items within that stream, so we’ll use an internal “pointer” that will hold the index of the current item in items:

public class ItemStream<T> implements Stream<T> {
  private final T[] items;
  private int pointer;

  public ItemStream(T[] items) {
    this.items = items;
    this.pointer = 0;

  public <R> Option<R> next() {
    if (pointer >= items.length) {
      return Option.none();
    T value = items[pointer++];
    return (Option<R>) Option.some(value);

The next method does a simple bounds check, and returns Option.none() if the stream has been consumed (we’re out of bounds). If we’re within bounds, we get the value that the internal pointer is currently looking at, and we increment the pointer for the next call. The returned value is wrapped in an Option.some(...) to indicate to the caller that we’re returning a valid value.

In this case, the type T of the stream is the same as the type of the returned value R, so we just cast to satisfy the compiler.

A quick example of how this works:

Stream<String> s = new ItemStream<>(new String[] {"foo", "bar"});
s.next(); // Option.some("foo")
s.next(); // Option.some("bar")
s.next(); // Option.none()
s.next(); // Option.none()

The first calls to next return Option.some(...) values containing "foo" and "bar" respectively, but all further calls to the stream will return Option.none().

The ItemStream is the default concrete stream type, so let’s make instantiating a stream a little bit easier:

public interface Stream<T> {
  // ...

  static <T> Stream<T> of(T... values) {
    return new ItemStream<>(values);

If you’re unfamiliar with varargs syntax, this allows us to create a stream by calling Stream.of(...) and passing as many arguments of the same type as we want. It will return a Stream<T> where T is the type of the arguments we passed and ItemStream is the concrete implementation of the stream. For instance:

Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4); // Stream<Integer>
Stream.of("foo", "bar", "baz"); // Stream<String>

Finally, so that we’re able to execute the stream and get something out of it, we’ll create a concrete Collector implementation. Perhaps the ListCollector described previously would a good starting point.

public class ListCollector<T> implements Collector<T, List<T>> {
  public List<T> collect(Stream<T> stream) {
    List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
    while (true) {
      Option<T> next = stream.next();
      if (next.isNone()) {
        return result;

Given a stream over type T we build a List<T> by first declaring an ArrayList<T> result and continually pulling the next item from the stream until the next item is none, at which point we return the result. The value of every Option.some(...) variant pulled from the stream is added to the list. Pretty simple.

I did intend to avoid using the standard library entirely, but that would have meant creating my own list type here, which is a little beyond the scope of the article, so I used the List interface and ArrayList implementation for the sake of brevity.

Given that Java’s streams API provides a bunch of static methods that define commonly used collectors, we’ll do the same here too:

public final class Collectors {
  private Collectors() {}

  public static <T> ListCollector<T> toList() {
    return new ListCollector<>();

Finally, we can actually do something with a stream, though it’s not particularly useful:

List<Integer> listOfInts = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4).collect(Collectors.toList());
assertEquals(List.of(1, 2, 3, 4), listOfInts);

Stream operations

Right now, all we can do is define a new stream and collect it into a list. That doesn’t provide much value. Let’s add some operations that make it more useful.

Before we do that, let’s define another interface:

public interface Function<T, R> {
  R apply(T value);

A single method interface over generic types T and R where T represents the type of an item (within a stream) and R represents a return type, which may be the same as T or completely different. The apply function accepts an argument of type T and returns a value of type R.

In Java 8 and above, lambdas can be used in place of single method interfaces like this one instead of having to create a concrete or anonymous implementation.

The standard library has an interface almost identical to this one but it’s trivial to write our own.


First up, quite a common operation for those familiar with functional programming. The map operation takes each value in the stream and transforms it into a new value by applying the provided function to it. The new value need not be the same type:

public class MappedStream<T, R> implements Stream<R> {
  private final Stream<T> stream;
  private final Function<T, R> fn;

  public MappedStream(Stream<T> stream, Function<T, R> fn) {
    this.stream = stream;
    this.fn = fn;

  public <V> Option<V> next() {
    Option<T> next = stream.next();
    if (next.isNone()) {
      return Option.none();
    return (Option<V>) Option.some(fn.apply(next.getValue()));

The MappedStream implements our stream interface and therefore implements its next method to get the next value. It accepts another stream that it will wrap and a function that it can use to map each value of the stream.

Operations are just additional implementations of our stream class that wrap another stream, providing additional functionality in their next methods. Because they only actually do their work when next is called, they are also lazy and will only ever actually do work when a terminal operation (like calling collect) is invoked.

When the next method of the MappedStream is called, it asks for the next value of the inner stream that it wraps and calls its function with that value if it’s an Option.some(...). Otherwise it just returns Option.none() without doing anything else if the inner stream returns Option.none().

To make calling map available to the stream, let’s add a method to Stream:

public interface Stream<T> {
  // ...

  default <R> Stream<R> map(Function<T, R> fn) {
    return new MappedStream<>(this, fn);

  // ...

Calling map on a Stream returns a MappedStream which wraps the current stream object and passes the function provided as an argument.

Now, let’s use it:

List<Integer> listOfInts = 
    Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4).map(n -> n * 2).collect(Collectors.toList());
assertEquals(List.of(2, 4, 6, 8), listOfInts);


Let’s add another common stream operation. Filter operates by passing each item of a stream to a predicate and if that predicate holds true then the item stays in the stream, otherwise it is discarded:

public class FilteredStream<T> implements Stream<T> {
  private final Stream<T> stream;
  private final Function<T, Boolean> predicate;

  public FilteredStream(Stream<T> stream, Function<T, Boolean> predicate) {
    this.stream = stream;
    this.predicate = predicate;

  public <R> Option<R> next() {
    while (true) {
      Option<T> next = stream.next();
      if (next.isNone()) {
        return Option.none();
      } else if (predicate.apply(next.getValue())) {
        return (Option<R>) Option.some(next.getValue());

This is reasonably similar in setup to the MappedStream above. However, instead of accepting a function that maps an item of type T to another arbitrary type R, this time the function must return a boolean value which represents whether the item belongs in the resulting stream.

The next method is implemented by continually reading from the wrapped stream and only returning when either:

  • the wrapped stream is exhausted i.e. the call to the wrapped stream’s next method returns Option.none(), in which case Option.none() will be returned.
  • or the wrapped stream’s next method returns an Option.some(...) value which satisfies the predicate provided, in which case that value will be returned in an Option.some(...).

This has the effect of throwing away values in the stream that don’t satisfy the predicate, resulting in fewer values that will ultimately be returned, assuming that at least one value is discarded.

Let’s add a filter method to Stream in order to create a FilteredStream:

public interface Stream<T> {
  // ...

  default Stream<T> filter(Function<T, Boolean> fn) {
    return new FilteredStream<>(this, fn);

  // ...

and let’s see it in action:

List<Integer> listOfInts =
    Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).collect(Collectors.toList());
assertEquals(List.of(2, 4), listOfInts);

The predicate provided to filter in this example returns true if the item provided is an even number, and false otherwise. This has the effect of throwing away the values 1 and 3 when collecting the stream into a list.

Combining operations

Let’s use what we have so far to do something a bit more interesting:

List<Integer> result = Stream.of("Java", "Rust", "Go", "Scala")
    .map(language -> language.toUpperCase())
    .filter(language -> language.contains("A"))
    .map(language -> language.length())
assertEquals(List.of(4, 5), result);

We start off with a stream of the names of 4 different programming languages.

  • Calling map, we create a new MappedStream<String, String> wrapping our original stream and passing in a Function that turns the given input string into uppercase.
  • The next stage, filter, creates a new FilteredStream<String> that wraps the MappedStream<String, String> from the previous step and passes a predicate that returns true if the string contains the substring "A".
  • Next, map creates a MappedStream<String, Integer> that wraps the FilteredStream<String> from the previous step and passes a function that returns the length of the given string.

Before calling collect we have a Stream<Integer> which concretely looks like this:

Stream<Integer> stream = new MappedStream<String, Integer>(
    new FilteredStream<String>(
        new MappedStream<String, String>(
            new ItemStream<String>(
                new String[] {"java", "rust", "go", "scala"}),
            language -> language.toUpperCase()),
        language -> language.contains("A")),
    language -> language.length());

Before collect is called, nothing actually happens. But when we call collect and pass our ListCollector<Integer>, the stream is consumed and a list containing [4, 5] is returned and the assertion passes.

Adding some carefully placed System.out.println(...) statements, we can see the order in which the stream is consumed:

         ∟ next -> java
       ∟ map(java) -> JAVA
     ∟ filter(JAVA) -> true
   ∟ map(JAVA) -> 4
# ListCollector result: [4]
         ∟ next -> rust
       ∟ map(rust) -> RUST
     ∟ filter(RUST) -> false
         ∟ next -> go
       ∟ map(go) -> GO
     ∟ filter(GO) -> false
         ∟ next -> scala
       ∟ map(scala) -> SCALA
     ∟ filter(SCALA) -> true
   ∟ map(SCALA) -> 5
# ListCollector result: [4, 5]
         ∟ next -> none
       ∟ none
       ∟ none
   ∟ none
ListCollector -> [4, 5]

Notice how each item in the stream is pushed through the entire pipeline, and how "Rust" and "Go" are filtered out early so they never reach the last map stage which returns the length of the string.

More Collectors

At this point, we’ve got most of the basics. We can create a stream, map over each item, filter out unwanted items and collect items into a list. Let’s finish off by building out some more interesting collectors.


Given a stream of items, we want to be able to find the first item that holds true for a specified predicate. If no such item exists, we can either provide a fallback item that is returned instead, or we can throw an exception.

public class FindingCollector<T> implements Collector<T, T> {
  private final Function<T, Boolean> predicate;
  private final Option<T> fallback;

  public FindingCollector(Function<T, Boolean> predicate, T fallback) {
    this.predicate = predicate;
    this.fallback = Option.some(fallback);

  public FindingCollector(Function<T, Boolean> predicate) {
    this.predicate = predicate;
    this.fallback = Option.none();

  public T collect(Stream<T> stream) {
    Option<T> current = stream.next();
    while (current.isSome()) {
      T value = current.getValue();
      if (predicate.apply(value)) {
        return value;

      current = stream.next();

    if (fallback.isNone()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Item not found");

    return fallback.getValue();

The collect method is reasonably simple. It just iterates through the items until it receives Option.none(), applying the predicate against each item. If the predicate returns true for an item, then we’ve found a match and the value is returned.

If we get to the end of the stream (Option.none() has been returned), and no items have matched then we handle the case where no matching item was found in the stream:

  • If no fallback was specified (the single-argument constructor was used), then we throw an IllegalStateException.
  • If a fallback was specified, however (the two-argument constructor was used), then we can return the fallback item.

Note: this find collector works differently to the one we have in Java, which typically returns Optional.none() if nothing is found and Optional.of(value) if there is a match.

Let’s create a couple of static methods in Collectors for our convenience:

public final class Collectors {

  // ...

  public static <T> FindingCollector<T> find(Function<T, Boolean> predicate) {
    return new FindingCollector<>(predicate);

  public static <T> FindingCollector<T> find(Function<T, Boolean> predicate, T fallback) {
    return new FindingCollector<>(predicate, fallback);

and let’s use it:

var result =
    Stream.of(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
        .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
        .collect(Collectors.find(n -> n > 10));
assertEquals(12, result);

Here, we have a stream of integers from 8 to 20, and a filter function that only keeps even numbers. Then we have a find collector with a predicate that returns true when the value given is greater than 10.

When the collect method is called, the FindingCollector’s collect method is called with the stream and starts pulling values out:

  • 8 is received, put through the filter (8 is even) and then checked against the find predicate. 8 is not greater than 10, so the collector moves onto the next value.
  • 9 is received, put through the filter (9 is odd) and discarded. The find predicate is never called with 9.
  • 10 is received, put through the filter (10 is even) and then checked against the find predicate. 10 is not greater than 10, so the collector moves onto the next value.
  • 11 is received, put through the filter (11 is odd) and discarded. The find predicate is never called with 11.
  • 12 is received, put through the filter (12 is even) and then checked against the find predicate. 12 is greater than 10, and so 12 is returned.

Fold / Reduce

The fold (or reduce) operation combines each item in a stream, using a given function to eventually build up a single return value. For example, imagine with have a stream of integers and we want to sum them up; we could call a fold method on the stream and provide a function that adds up every value and returns a single integer result.

The function we provide accepts two arguments, the accumulated value and the current value. The current value is simply the item from the stream, retrieved from calling Stream.next(). The accumulated value is what we currently have after applying the function to all of the previous items of the stream so far.

In our case, the fold operation also accepts an initial value, and that will be the accumulated value for the very first item in the stream.

This may all seem a little, but hopefully the implementation and examples will help to illustrate.

We first need a way to provide function that accepts two arguments and returns a single value:

public interface BiFunction<A, B, R> {
  R apply(A a, B b);

Just like Function that we declared earlier, this allows us to provide an anonymous function (or lambda) in Java 8+. The difference here is that we’ve allowed for two arguments.

Onto the implementation of our FoldingCollector:

public class FoldingCollector<T, R> implements Collector<T, R> {
  private final BiFunction<R, T, R> fn;
  private final R initialValue;

  public FoldingCollector(R initialValue, BiFunction<R, T, R> fn) {
    this.fn = fn;
    this.initialValue = initialValue;

  public R collect(Stream<T> stream) {
    R acc = initialValue;
    while (true) {
      Option<T> current = stream.next();
      if (current.isNone()) {
      acc = fn.apply(acc, current.getValue());
    return acc;

The constructor accepts two arguments, a BiFunction which we’ll use to pass our folding function, and an initial value, which we’ll use to start off the operation.

The collect method is of course the most interesting part. First, we take the initialValue and assign it to acc (our accumulated value). For each Option.some() item in the stream, we apply our BiFunction, passing the current acc as the first argument, and the current item of the stream as the second. The result of applying our BiFunction is then assigned to acc, overwriting the previous value. Once the stream has been consumed (Stream.next() returns Option.none()), we break from the loop and return the current accumulated value.

Let’s test it out:

int result = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4).fold(1, (acc, curr) -> acc * curr);
assertEquals(24, result);

Starting off with a stream of numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, we call fold, passing an initial value of 1, and a function that multiplies the accumulated value by the current value from the stream. This has the effect of doing 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4, which happens to equal 24. Let’s step through it:

  • acc is set to the initialValue, which happens to be 1
  • The first iteration returns Option.some(1) and we call our function with acc (1) and the current value (1). We assign the result back to acc (1 * 1 = 1).
  • The next iteration returns Option.some(2) and we call our function with acc (1) and the current value (2). We assign the result back to acc (1 * 2 = 2).
  • The next iteration returns Option.some(3) and we call our function with acc (2) and the current value (3). We assign the result back to acc (2 * 3 = 6).
  • The next iteration returns Option.some(4) and we call our function with acc (6) and the current value (4). We assign the result back to acc (6 * 4 = 24).
  • The final iteration returns Option.none() and the loop breaks. The value held by acc (24) is then returned.

Wrapping up

This exercise was no more than than an attempt to test out my rough mental model of how Java’s streams and Rust’s iterators work. I wanted to build out a simplified implementation to illustrate how I percieve things operating under the hood. In reality, the actual implementations of these features is undoubtedly more complex than shown here, with many more intricacies and use cases to consider.

In doing this, I hoped to try to dispel some illusions and help others to achieve a better understanding of what’s happening behind the scenes when using Java streams and Rust iterators. I hope this was useful to someone out there!