Since 2016, Rust has been voted the “most loved programming language” every year in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey by what appears to be a growing margin, and after checking it out for myself, it’s pretty clear why.

Rust offers a plethora of features you’d expect from a modern language and addresses pain points that are present in many others. It competes in the same kind of space occupied by C and C++, offering similar performance, but it is also known for safety, reliability and productivity.

The trade-off with Rust is in its complexity, however; it has a reasonably steep learning curve, particularly with regards to its unique memory management model known as ownership.

In this post, we’ll explore a step by step implementation of Snake, the simple but addictive game found preloaded on old Nokia phones. We’ll use the terminal as the UI and the keyboard for input.

I should preface this post by stating that I am by no means an expert in Rust. I’ve been learning it on and off in my spare time for the past year or so. I’ve also more or less thrashed the game out without much thought for code quality, just as a learning exercise more than anything else.

You can find the code for the game on GitHub, where I would also be happy to address issues or make corrections to this post.

Getting started

Let’s create our project using Rust’s build system and package manager, Cargo.

$ cargo new snake-rs

This command creates a new Rust project called “snake-rs”, in a folder of the same name in the current directory. It creates a ~/Cargo.toml file and a ~/src/ file inside that folder. Cargo.toml is a bit like package.json for JavaScript/NPM based projects, or pom.xml in a Java/Maven project and the contains a main function which is the entry point to the application.

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");


Let’s start with a few building blocks for the game.

The Direction Enum

The snake will always be travelling in one of four different directions, so we’ll use an enum to define the Direction type:

// src/

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Direction {

Enums in Rust are just like those found in Java; they define a fixed set of possible variants for a value. In the code above, the pub declares that the enum type is public; in Rust everything is considered private unless explicitly stated otherwise.

#[derive(...)] is an attribute (annotation) which automatically derives implementations of some traits for the type.

A trait in Rust is similar to an interface with default methods in Java 8+. It is an abstraction which can declare methods that either contain a body, or must be implemented by the concrete type.

The traits named in the #[derive(...)] attribute come from the Rust standard library and they each have a special meaning. By using this attribute, Rust automatically makes our enum implement those traits and provides their implementations.

The Command Enum

The controls for the game will be pretty simple. The player will use the directional arrows on a keyboard to tell the snake to turn to face a different direction. We’ll also let the player quit the game by pressing ESC, Q or CTRL+C.

Let’s create an enum to represent these commands:

// ~/src/

use crate::direction::Direction;

pub enum Command {

Simple enough! The only two variants of the Command enum are Quit and Turn.

Turn also accepts a value of type Direction, which happens to be the enum that we created earlier. Unlike enums in languages like Java, individual variants of Rust enums may also contain data such as basic types, structs, or even other enums.

When we receive a Command we can easily determine if we have a quit or turn instruction, and if the latter, which direction we’ve been asked to turn.

The use statement is just like the import statement in Java, in that it allows the use of symbols without the need to specify the full path. The crate keyword at the beginning of the path simply refers to the root of the current crate, which in this case is the current application.

The Point Struct

Our game will be based on a positive, two-dimensional coordinate system, starting from (0, 0). To represent each point in the system, let’s declare another type:

// ~/src/

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Point {
    pub x: u16,
    pub y: u16,

This looks a little different to the data structures we’ve seen so far. We’ve used a struct to declare our custom type. A struct is a little like a Java class, in that it represents a type that can be instantiated and hold several different, named pieces of data with different types.

Our struct stores two fields, x and y, both of which have the unsigned 16-bit integer type, u16 (which holds values between 0 and 65535). Rust has many different integer types, both signed and unsigned and of varying sizes.

Lastly, we’ve used pub on each of the fields to signify that their values are accessible from outside the struct instance.

We could have just as easily used a (u16, u16) tuple type to represent such a simple value, but for convenience and to allow us to extend this type further, a struct is a better choice.

We’ll now add some methods to this struct to make it a bit more useful:

// ~/src/

impl Point {
    pub fn new(x: u16, y: u16) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

    pub fn transform(&self, direction: Direction, times: u16) -> Self {
        let times = times as i16;
        let transformation = match direction {
            Direction::Up => (0, -times),
            Direction::Right => (times, 0),
            Direction::Down => (0, times),
            Direction::Left => (-times, 0),

            Self::transform_value(self.x, transformation.0),
            Self::transform_value(self.y, transformation.1),

    fn transform_value(value: u16, by: i16) -> u16 {
        if by.is_negative() && by.abs() as u16 > value {
            panic!("Transforming value {} by {} would result in a negative number", value, by);
        } else {
            (value as i16 + by) as u16

In Rust, we separate the implementation of a struct from its definition unlike in Java where we’d have everything in one place. We use an impl block to add methods and functions to the struct.

The first part inside the impl block declares a function (fn) named new. Unlike in Java, Rust does not have constructors; instead, struct instances may be created directly by specifying the values of all fields:

let point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };

A common convention is to create a constructor function named new which can simplify the creation of structs, especially if manual creation is error prone, verbose or there are commonly used default values (which can be omitted from the constructor function’s parameter list).

The new function accepts two values, x and y of type u16 and returns (indiciated by ->) a Self. In Rust, Self (with the uppercase S) refers to the type we’re implementing, in this case Point.

The body of the function is a single line which simply creates and returns a Point instance. The syntax may look a little odd, but it could be rewritten like this:

return Point { x: x, y: y };

When creating a data structure, we can use the shorthand x in place of x: x if the name of the variable/symbol is the same as the field. Also, just like in Scala, if the return keyword is not used, the result of the last expression is assumed to be the return value. This means that the return keyword can in most cases be omitted entirely, provided that a semicolon is not used (which would turn the expression into a statement).

transform looks a little different; the first thing in its parameter list is &self. This means that the function will receive a read-only reference to the instance of the struct which can be accessed using self, similar to Java’s this keyword except that we’re not allowed to make any modifications.

The presence of &self (or &mut self) as the first item in the parameter list means that the function is a method which operates on an instance of the struct. An omission of this first item means that we’re working with what is like a static method in Java; we don’t receive an instance of the struct to operate upon, we’re just writing a function which happens to be attached to the struct. If you’ve done any Python, this may feel somewhat familiar.

// A "static" method is called with Type::function(...)
let a = Point::new(1, 2);

// but we use dot notation to call an instance method: instance.method(...)
let b = a.transform(Direction::Up, 1);

transform accepts a Direction and times, an unsigned 16-bit integer and returns a new Point. It first casts times to a signed integer so that it can support negative values and uses a match to work out a transformation to apply based on the current direction.

The match control-flow operator is an extremely powerful feature of Rust, similar to Scala’s match or a significantly improved switch statement from Java. Its syntax is pretty intuitive; we simply check each of the branches on the left side of the => arrow and evaluate the expression to the right side for the matching branch.

We then uses the private function, transform_value to create new x and y values based on the transformation and the Point’s current values. transform_value uses an if expression to carry out a bounds check and then applies the transformation by adding by to value.

If the bounds check fails (which should ideally never happen), the panic! macro is used to bail out of the application with a fatal error.

Ownership and Borrowing

Before we go any further with the game it is worth mentioning ownership and borrowing, since we’ve already touched on them a little in the previous sections.


One of the unique, core features of the language, the concept of ownership helps Rust deliver on its memory safety guarantees. However, the subject is also one of the biggest stumbling blocks for beginners and is probably the biggest contributor to its steep learning curve.

In Rust, variables are declared with the let keyword. By default, all variables are immutable; they cannot be re-assigned and their values cannot be changed. It is possible to declare a variable as mutable using the mut keyword:

fn main() {
    let mut a = 1;  // a is declared as 1 (mutable).
    a = 2;          // a is now 2.

    let b = 1;      // b is declared as 1 (immutable).
    b = 2;          // Compilation error. Since we tried to re-assign an immutable variable.

When execution comes to the end of a scope in which a variable is declared, the value will be dropped and the memory will be reclaimed. This is all managed at compile time:

fn main() {
    let a = 1;
    if true {
        let b = 2;
        // b is dropped here
    // a is dropped here

A variable is considered to be the owner of a value and there can only ever be one owner at any given time. By default, re-assigning a value moves ownership, which means that the original variable is no longer valid:

struct Foo {}

fn main() {
    let a = Foo {}; // Declare a to be an immutable instance of Foo
    let b = a;      // a is moved to b, a ceases to be valid
    let c = a;      // Compilation error. Since the value of a was moved to b, a is no longer valid

A move will also occur when passing a value to a function:

struct Foo {}

fn main() {
    let a = Foo {}; // Declare a to be an immutable instance of Foo
    bar(a);         // a is moved to the bar function, a ceases to be valid
    let b = a;      // Compilation error. Since the value of a was moved to the f parameter of bar,
}                   // a is no longer valid

fn bar(f: Foo) {
    println!("Called bar");

An exception to this rule is if the type implements the Copy trait (remember #[derive(Copy, Clone...)] from earlier?). This trait marks that the type should be copied, rather than moved.

If Foo implemented the Copy trait, the two previous code snippets would compile and each variable (a, b and c in the first, as well as a, b and the f parameter of bar in the second) would hold distinct, but identical instances of Foo.

There are some types in Rust that implement Copy by default:

  • All of the signed and unsigned integer types (like i32, u64 etc.)
  • Floating point types like f64
  • The boolean type bool
  • The character type char
  • Tuples that only contain types that implement Copy (e.g. (i32, char) does but (i32, String) does not).

References and Borrowing

The move and copy semantics may initially seem pretty tedious and you may be wondering how to work with such seemingly bizarre restrictions. Bear with me, things will soon become clear (hopefully - this is a pretty tricky concept to grasp).

Rust supplements the ownership system with a mechanism called borrowing, which allows access to data without taking ownership.

An immutable reference (or borrow) of a variable can be created using the & operator. This allows read-only access to a value without transferring ownership. Multiple immutable references may be created from a single variable:

#[derive(Debug)]    // Derive an implementation of the Debug trait. This allows us to use instances
struct Foo {}       // of Foo in println!() macros, using the {:?} placeholder

fn main() {
    let a = Foo {}; // Declare a to be an immutable instance of Foo
    let b = &a;     // Declare b as an immutable reference of a
    let c = &a;     // Declare c as a second immutable reference of a
    println!("{:?} {:?}", b, c);

Functions and methods can also accept immutable references of types to allow them to be called without ownership being moved:

struct Foo {}

fn main() {
    let a = Foo {}; // Declare a to be an immutable instance of Foo
    bar(&a);        // Pass an immutable reference of a to bar. Note the signature of the bar function
                    // At this point, a still owns the instance of Foo
    let b = a;      // Re-assign a to b (notice we didn't use &), a ceases to be valid and b is now the owner

fn bar(f: &Foo) {   // The bar function accepts an immutable reference of type Foo
    println!("Called bar");
    // f goes out of scope here, but since it is a reference (not owned), the value is NOT dropped

Remember before when we created some methods on our data structures and &self appeared as the first item in the parameter list? As you might be able to guess here, self refers to the current instance and & means immutable reference; these methods operate upon an immutable reference of an instance of Foo. They may read properties and call other read-only methods:

struct Foo {
    value: u32

impl Foo {
    pub fn bar(&self) {             // An immutable reference of an instance of Foo is received
        println!("{}", self.value); // Print the value field of the instance of Foo

fn main() {
    let a = Foo { value: 12 };      // Declare a as Foo, with the value field initialised to 12;                        // Call the bar method on a; a is passed as an immutable
                                    // reference to the bar method
    println!("{:?}", a);

A mutable reference can also be created using &mut, but only if the variable is declared as mutable:

struct Foo {}

fn main() {
    let mut a = Foo {}; // Declare a as a mutable instance of Foo
    let b = &mut a;     // Declare b as a mutable reference of a

    let c = Foo {};     // Declare c as an immutable instance of Foo
    let d = &mut c;     // Compilation error. Since a is not mutable, it cannot be mutably borrowed

A mutable reference is allowed to modify the value it refers to, but in the above example, Foo does not have anything that can be changed.

There can only ever be one mutable reference of a value at a time. It is possible to create what appears to be multiple mutable references, but the act of creating another effectively invalidates the previous. Attempting to use the first mutable reference after another mutable reference has been created results in a compilation error:

struct Foo {}

fn main() {
    let mut a = Foo {};     // Declare a as a mutable instance of Foo
    let b = &mut a;         // Declare b as a mutable reference of a
    let c = &mut a;         // Declare c as a mutable reference of a; b is invalidated
    println!("{:?}", b);    // Compilation error. Since b is invalid. If we'd tried to 
                            // print c instead, compilation would have succeeded.

Functions can also accept mutable references and may modify the value that they refer to:

struct Foo {
    pub value: u32                  // Note that the value field is declared to be public

fn main() {
    let mut a = Foo { value: 12 };  // Declare a as a mutable instance of Foo with value 12
    bar(&mut a);                    // Pass a mutable reference of a to function bar
    println!("{:?}", a.value);      // After calling bar, a.value is 13, so this prints "13"

fn bar(f: &mut Foo) {               // bar accepts a mutable reference of foo
    f.value = 13;                   // bar modifies the internal value field of foo

We can also create instance methods on data structures that can mutate state, using &mut self as the first item in the parameter list:

struct Foo {
    value: u32

impl Foo {
    pub fn add_1(&mut self) {       // A mutable reference of an instance of Foo is received
        self.value += 1;            // The value field is modified, by adding 1 to its current value
        println!("{}", self.value); // The current value is printed.

fn main() {
    let mut a = Foo { value: 12 };  // Declare a as a mutable instance of Foo, with initial value 12
    a.add_1();                      // Call the add_1 method; the value field is changed to 13 and
}                                   // then the new value is printed out.

Mutable and immutable references are mutually exclusive. It is not possible to have both at the same time:

struct Foo {}

fn main() {
    let mut a = Foo {};     // Declare a as a mutable instance of Foo
    let b = &a;             // Declare b as an immutable referece of a
    let c = &mut a;         // Declare c as a mutable reference of a, effectively invalidating b.
    println!("{:?}", b);    // Compilation error. Since we cannot have simultaneous mutable and
}                           // immutable references, b is effectively invalidated by c

Don’t worry if you don’t quite get ownership, references and borrowing just yet. It’s a notoriusly difficult concept to grasp, especially for developers coming from garbage collected languages since it feels like everything you know to be true is pulled out from under you.

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d recommend reading the sections on ownership and borrowing in the Rust book.

Back to Snake

Now we’ve at least attempted to address ownership and borrowing, let’s get back to building the game.

The Snake Struct

// ~/src/

use crate::direction::Direction;
use crate::point::Point;

pub struct Snake {
    body: Vec<Point>,
    direction: Direction,
    digesting: bool,

To represent the snake itself, we’ve used a struct comprised of 3 fields:

  • body is a Vec (vector) over the Point type, which you can think of as a list that holds values of type Point. Each (x, y) item in body represents a point in the game’s grid that is occupied by a part of the snake. The very first item in the body is always the head of the snake.
  • direction represents the direction which the snake is currently facing using our Direction enum that we declared earlier. The snake will always face up, down, left or right.
  • digesting represents whether or not the snake has just eaten some food. We use this flag to indicate that the snake should grow when it next moves.

Now for its implementation, step by step:

// ...

impl Snake {
    pub fn new(start: Point, length: u16, direction: Direction) -> Self {
        let opposite = direction.opposite();
        let body: Vec<Point> = (0..length)
            .map(|i| start.transform(opposite, i))

        Self { body, direction, digesting: false }

The new constructor function creates an instance of the Snake struct from a starting point, a length and a direction. There’s a lot going on here so we’ll examine it line by line:

  • First, the opposite method on the direction is called. This method does not yet exist; we’ll get to that in just a moment. When implemented, it will return the opposite direction to the value we are operating upon. For example, if direction was Direction::Right, then it would return Direction::Left and so on.
  • The next bit is made up of a few different parts:
    • (0..length) creates a std::ops::Range which is a struct that represents the numbers from 0 up to (but not including) length.
    • into_iter creates an iterator which allows us to iterate over the range.
    • map creates a std::iter::Map over the iterator, which allows us to apply a transformation to each u16 value.
    • The code inside the call to map is a closure, where |i| is the parameter where i is each u16 item from the iterator.
    • The closure uses start and the transform method to return a new Point for every i which is effectively i steps in the opposite direction from the start.
    • collect executes the operation (since everything up until this point is lazy) and brings together a resulting Vec of type Point representing the body of the snake.
  • Finally, we use the body, we’ve just created, the direction passed into new and the default value of false for digesting to create and return a new instance of Self/Snake.

The next four read-only methods above are significantly simpler.

    pub fn get_head_point(&self) -> Point {

get_head_point returns a clone of the first Point of the body field, which represents the head of the snake.

The first method returns an Option<&Point> which is an enum that represents either Some value or None, which would be returned if the vector was empty. Rust doesn’t have a concept of null, so it relies on types like Option to represent the existence or lack of a value.

The unwrap method simply assumes that the Option is Some, containing a value and returns it. If it was None, unwrap would panic.

Now we have an immutable reference to a Point which refers to a value within the vector. Since we’d like our function to just return a Point instead of &Point, we use clone to create a copy of it.

    pub fn get_body_points(&self) -> Vec<Point> {

get_body_points returns a clone of the body field. Rust’s Vec type doesn’t implement Copy, so if we didn’t have the call to clone it would try to move the value which is not allowed. Another option would have been to return an immutable reference &Vec<Point> instead, but I’ve just opted to use clone to make things a little easier to digest.

    pub fn get_direction(&self) -> Direction {

get_direction just returns a clone of the direction field. We could have omitted .clone() entirely here since Direction implements Copy but just to make it clear what’s happening and for consistency with the other methods, I’ve opted to add a call to clone.

    pub fn contains_point(&self, point: &Point) -> bool {

contains_point is a method that accepts a &Point (an immutable reference to a point) and returns a boolean value, which tells if the snake’s body contains that point.

The following few methods all mutate the state of the snake, so they have the mutable reference receiver &mut self as the first item in their parameter lists.

    pub fn slither(&mut self) {
        self.body.insert(0, self.body.first().unwrap().transform(self.direction, 1));
        if !self.digesting {
            self.body.remove(self.body.len() - 1);
        } else {
            self.digesting = false;

slither is a method that is called to make the snake move across the grid.

It works by taking the first point of the snake’s body (the head), transforming it 1 step in the snake’s current direction and inserting that new point into the beginning of the body, effectively making the new point the new head of the snake.

It then removes the last point in the snake. This has the effect of shifting all of the points along to simulate a slithering motion on the grid.

If digesting is true, we don’t bother removing the last point and we reset digesting back to false. This means that we increase the size of the snake by only adding to the head.

    pub fn set_direction(&mut self, direction: Direction) {
        self.direction = direction;

set_direction updates the direction field of the snake to match the direction provided.

    pub fn grow(&mut self) {
        self.digesting = true;

Finally, grow simply sets the digesting field to true so that the next slither causes the snake to increase in size.

Missing Method

We’re currently missing a method from the Direction enum, so let’s add it now:

// ~/src/

impl Direction {
    pub fn opposite(&self) -> Self {
        match self {
            Self::Up => Self::Down,
            Self::Right => Self::Left,
            Self::Down => Self::Up,
            Self::Left => Self::Right,

The opposite method returns the Direction that is the opposite to the current variant using the match control-flow operator.

Notice that we have only a single match expression without a semi-colon, which means we return the result of that expression.

We match on self, which is the current direction, and compare it to each of the arms until we find a match. The expression is then evaluated to the opposite variant. For example, if the current direction is Direction::Down, we’d match the third arm of the statement and which would evaluate to Direction::Up.

The Game Logic

Congratulations for getting this far. This blog post is turning out to be a lot longer than I expected and it’s about to get longer!

We have all of our building blocks so it’s now time to work on fitting it all together.

Some Dependencies

Let’s begin by adding a couple of dependencies to our Cargo.toml file.

crossterm = "0.17"
rand = "0.7.3"

Since we’re going to build the UI of the game in the terminal, we’ll use Crossterm to handle the differences between different platforms and generally make interacting with the terminal a bit easier.

We’ll also need to generate some random numbers to position the food on the grid so we’ll use the rand crate for that.

The Game Struct

// ~/src/

use crate::snake::Snake;
use crate::point::Point;
use crate::direction::Direction;
use std::io::Stdout;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crossterm::terminal::size;
use crate::command::Command;
use rand::Rng;

const MAX_INTERVAL: u16 = 700;
const MIN_INTERVAL: u16 = 200;
const MAX_SPEED: u16 = 20;

pub struct Game {
    stdout: Stdout,
    original_terminal_size: (u16, u16),
    width: u16,
    height: u16,
    food: Option<Point>,
    snake: Snake,
    speed: u16,
    score: u16,

impl Game {
    pub fn new(stdout: Stdout, width: u16, height: u16) -> Self {
        let original_terminal_size: (u16, u16) = size().unwrap();
        Self {
            food: None,
            snake: Snake::new(
                Point::new(width / 2, height / 2),
                match rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, 4) {
                    0 => Direction::Up,
                    1 => Direction::Right,
                    2 => Direction::Down,
                    _ => Direction::Left
            speed: 0,
            score: 0,

    // ...

This struct represents our game state which is the glue that fits everything together. In our constructor function, we capture the standard output stream object, stdout since we’ll be using the terminal to represent our UI and we accept a width and height which determines the area of the grid system for our game.

We’re going to resize the terminal window, so we need to get the current size of the window so that we can restore it later. We use Crossterm’s size function and unwrap the returned Result<(u16, u16)> to do this.

The position of the food is set to None initially, since it will be generated when the game starts. We position the snake’s head in the middle of the grid as determined by the width and height provided, give it a fixed size of 3 and we randomly choose its direction by generating a random integer between 0 and 4 (not inclusive) and matching to a Direction.

The score and speed of the game are both initialised to 0.

Running the Game

Now we get into the primary logic of the game, the run method. There’s a lot to cover here.

    pub fn run(&mut self) {

        let mut done = false;
        while !done {
            let interval = self.calculate_interval();
            let direction = self.snake.get_direction();
            let now = Instant::now();

            while now.elapsed() < interval {
                if let Some(command) = self.get_command(interval - now.elapsed()) {
                    match command {
                        Command::Quit => {
                            done = true;
                        Command::Turn(towards) => {
                            if direction != towards && direction.opposite() != towards {

            if self.has_collided_with_wall() || self.has_bitten_itself() {
                done = true;
            } else {

                if let Some(food_point) = {
                    if self.snake.get_head_point() == food_point {
                        self.score += 1;

                        if self.score % ((self.width * self.height) / MAX_SPEED) == 0 {
                            self.speed += 1;



        println!("Game Over! Your score is {}", self.score);

Placing the Food

We start off by calling an instance method of the Game struct called place_food, which looks like this:

    fn place_food(&mut self) {
        loop {
            let random_x = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, self.width);
            let random_y = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, self.height);
            let point = Point::new(random_x, random_y);
            if !self.snake.contains_point(&point) {
       = Some(point);

It uses Rust’s loop construct to create an infinite loop and creates a Point from randomly generated x and y coordinates.

We check to make sure that the point is not already part of the snake’s body by calling the contains_point method of the Snake struct and finally set the value of the food field to Some(point) and break from the loop.

Remember, the type of the food field is Option<Point> which can hold either Some(...) or None. If the random point that we generated already existed as part of the snake’s body, then we simply try again on the next iteration of the loop.

This method could no doubt be improved, but it’s sufficient for our needs in this demo.

Setting up the UI

The prepare_ui method uses Crossterm to set everything up to begin rendering the game:

    fn prepare_ui(&mut self) {
            .execute(SetSize(self.width + 3, self.height + 3)).unwrap()

First,we enable raw mode which ensures that user input is passed directly to our application without the terminal driver intercepting and carrying out processing of its own. We then set the size of the terminal and clear the screen as well as hide the cursor.


The next part of the run method is a call to a render method.

This method and those it calls simply use Crossterm’s API to draw all of the visual aspects of the game including the snake itself, the border around the grid and the food.

We won’t dig into this method any further since this post is already long enough! If you’d like to dig into the rendering side of the game, check out the source code on GitHub.

The Loop

Next, we set up a flag, done which provides our while loop with an exit condition. The while loop begins with a little bit of setup. First, we call a method to calculate the interval, which is effectively how long each iteration of the while loop should take:

    fn calculate_interval(&self) -> Duration {
        let speed = MAX_SPEED - self.speed;
            (MIN_INTERVAL + (((MAX_INTERVAL - MIN_INTERVAL) / MAX_SPEED) * speed)) as u64

Let’s explain this calculation.

  • We take the difference between MAX_INTERVAL and MIN_INTERVAL; in this case, we have 700 - 200 which results in 500.
  • We divide this number by the MAXIMUM_SPEED, which is 20 so we end up with 25 milliseconds per unit of speed.
  • Since the speed field starts at 0 and increases to MAX_SPEED, we subtract its value from the MAX_SPEED and multiply the 25 milliseconds we calculated earlier to get a total number of milliseconds that we should add onto the minimum to get the real interval.
  • We cast the value to an unsigned 64-bit integer that Duration::from_millis accepts and return it.

For example, if we take the starting speed of 0, we would end up with a 700ms interval since (200 + (((700 - 200) / 20) * (20 - 0))) = 700. Now let’s say we take a speed of 5; we would end up with a 575ms interval since (200 + (((700 - 200) / 20) * (20 - 5))) = 575.

The next line gets the current direction of the snake for this iteration. We store this to be able to compare it to the player’s input to prevent illegal moves. The following line gets the time at the beginning of the iteration.

Responding to player input

The next block of code is all about gathering and responding to the player’s input and waiting for the calculated interval before executing the rest of the loop.

The while loop ensures that we keep checking for the user’s input until the interval has elapsed. now.interval() returns a Duration which represents the amount of time that has elapsed since now was created. If that duration is less than the interval (which will be between 700ms and 200ms depending on the current speed), then the body of the loop will execute.

The next line involves a call to self.get_command(...) passing through the difference between the interval and the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the loop.

get_command is an instance method that uses Crossterm’s API to wait up to a given timeout for the player’s input and returns an Option<Command>. A valid command will be returned from the method, wrapped in an Option’s Some variant and an invalid command (or if the timeout expires) will be returned as None:

    fn get_command(&self, wait_for: Duration) -> Option<Command> {
        let key_event = self.wait_for_key_event(wait_for)?;

        match key_event.code {
            KeyCode::Char('q') | KeyCode::Char('Q') | KeyCode::Esc => Some(Command::Quit),
            KeyCode::Char('c') | KeyCode::Char('C') =>
                if key_event.modifiers == KeyModifiers::CONTROL {
                } else {
            KeyCode::Up => Some(Command::Turn(Direction::Up)),
            KeyCode::Right => Some(Command::Turn(Direction::Right)),
            KeyCode::Down => Some(Command::Turn(Direction::Down)),
            KeyCode::Left => Some(Command::Turn(Direction::Left)),
            _ => None

    fn wait_for_key_event(&self, wait_for: Duration) -> Option<KeyEvent> {
        if poll(wait_for).ok()? {
            let event = read().ok()?;
            if let Event::Key(key_event) = event {
                return Some(key_event);


First, a call to wait_for_key_event is made, which uses Crossterm’s API to wait until the player does something or the wait_for duration elapses.

Immediately following the call to wait_for_key_event, there is a ?, which is an operator to make error handling in Rust easier and less verbose.

A common pattern when using the Result<T, E> or Option<T> enum types in Rust is to use a match or an if let to check the variant that was returned and immediately return the associated Err or None, if found:

let result = get_an_option();
let val = match result {
    Some(value) => value,
    None => return None,

The ? operator may be used to reduce the verbosity of this common pattern and simply returns the Err or None from the method if encountered and causes the value that is wrapped by the Ok or Some variants to be returned to the caller. Therefore, the code above could be simplified to:

let val = get_an_option()?;

Inside the wait_for_key_event method, the poll function waits up to the given duration and returns a Result<bool> which tells if an event is available i.e. the player pressed a key, moved their mouse etc.

The ok method of the Result is called, which converts it into an Option. This is then followed by the ? operator, which will immediately return the None variant, if one is returned, otherwise the expression will evaluate to the bool value inside the Option.

When the if evaluates to true, we can guarantee that an event is waiting to be read. Calling the subsequent read method, using Result::ok to get an option and the ? to return None if necessary, we get a Crossterm Event enum.

Finally, we use an if let to assert that the event was a Crossterm KeyEvent and we return it to the caller. In all other cases, None is returned.

Back to get_command, we then match the keycode of the key event and return a Command wrapped in a Some (since the method returns an Option<Command>) if the key-press corresponds to one we were expecting.

All other key-presses, events or if the wait_for duration passed to the method elapses, result in a None being returned.

Back to the game loop, we use if let again to check that Some(Command) was returned and we then match the command to an appropriate action.

If a Command::Quit variant was received, we simply set done to true and break from the current loop. Setting done to true satisfies the exit condition of the outer loop so this has the effect of effectively ending the game.

On the other hand if the command we receive is a Command::Turn(Direction), we first check if the direction that the player has pressed is legal, given the current direction of the snake (the snake may not turn back on itself) and if so we set the snake’s direction using its set_direction method.

Detecting Collisions

After we’ve waited until the interval has elapsed, it is time to check to see if the snake is about to either collide with a wall or itself. If any of these conditions are met, we set done to true which effectively ends the game.

has_collided_with_wall uses the current direction of the snake and the point that represents its head to determine if the next move would result in the snake going out of bounds / hitting the wall:

    fn has_collided_with_wall(&self) -> bool {
        let head_point = self.snake.get_head_point();

        match self.snake.get_direction() {
            Direction::Up => head_point.y == 0,
            Direction::Right => head_point.x == self.width - 1,
            Direction::Down => head_point.y == self.height - 1,
            Direction::Left => head_point.x == 0,

When the snake is facing up or down, we check if the snake’s head’s y coordinate is either 0 or one less than the height of the grid, respectively.

Similarly, when the snake is facing left or right, we check if the its head’s x coordinate is either 0 or one less than the width of the grid, respectively.

If this method returns true, then the snake is about to go out of bounds.

    fn has_bitten_itself(&self) -> bool {
        let next_head_point = self.snake.get_head_point().transform(self.snake.get_direction(), 1);
        let mut next_body_points = self.snake.get_body_points().clone();
        next_body_points.remove(next_body_points.len() - 1);


has_bitten_itself works out the next head position of the snake and the points that would be in its body, if it were to proceed.

Since the snake’s body includes the head of the snake at position 0, we remove the first point and finally we return whether the next_body_points contains the next_head_point.

If this method returns true then the snake is considered to be about to bite itself.

When either has_collided_with_wall or has_bitten_itself evaluate to true, we exit the game loop by setting the done flag to true, ending the game.

Slithering on

Now that we can rest assured that the game is in a legal state, we make the snake move by calling its slither method, which we described earlier.

This is followed by an immediate check to see if the snake has eaten the food that is placed on the grid.

Since the food field is an Option, we use an if let to make sure that there is Some food for the snake to eat (from the beginning of the game there should always be some food) and we then check to see if the snake’s head is currently (after slithering) at the same position of the food.

If so, we call the snake’s grow method which will cause the snake’s body to grow on the next slither. We also call the game’s place_food method again, which chooses another random point that is not currently occupied by the snake’s body to place the next food.

We then increment the score by 1 and decide whether or not to increase the speed of the game.

To make this decision, we take the area of the grid by multiplying the width and height and then divide that area by the MAX_SPEED, which is currently fixed to 20. Assuming a grid size of 10x10, that would result in an area of 100, which we divide by 20 to get 5.

This number determines how many points the player must accumulate before the speed increases to the next step.

In this instance, the speed of the game would increase from 0 to 1 when the player achieves a score of 5 and it would increase from 4 to 5 when a player achieves a score of 25.

Finally, we draw the next frame of the game by calling the render method and the game loop continues.

Ending the Game

If the player sends a quit command to the game, by pressing Q, ESC or CTRL+C or if the player loses by colliding with the wall or by allowing the snake to bite itsself, the game ends.

We call the restore_ui method to reset all of the adjustments we’ve made to the terminal by restoring the size, clearing the game from the screen, showing the cursor, resetting the colour and disabling raw mode:

    fn restore_ui(&mut self) {
        let (cols, rows) = self.original_terminal_size;
            .execute(SetSize(cols, rows)).unwrap()

Once the terminal has been restored, we print out the user’s score and the run method returns to its caller.

The Entry Point

Back to our ~/src/, we just need to initialise and run the game:

mod snake;
mod direction;
mod game;
mod point;
mod command;

use crate::game::Game;
use std::io::stdout;

fn main() {
    Game::new(stdout(), 10, 10).run();

In Rust, the main function inside ~/src/ is the entry point to an application. We instantiate a Game by calling Game::new(...) passing through the stdout object which we get from calling the std::io::stdout function as well as the game grid width of 10 and height of 10. We then call the run method on the Game struct that is returned.

An important thing to note is that Rust’s module system requires the developer to be more explicit when creating modules than in other languages.

The mod keyword must be used to declare a module. The name specified after the mod keyword must either refer to a filename, or a folder containing a If a file is not explicitly declared as part of a module like this, then it is ignored.

Rust also allows modules to be declared directly, without using another file. For example, we could have written the command module directly in like this:

mod snake;
mod direction;
mod game;
mod point;
mod command {
    use crate::direction::Direction;

    pub enum Command {

// ...

Wrapping up

I hope this has been an insightful and practical introduction to Rust. We’ve come a long way and touched on many different areas of the language, but there’s still so much that we didn’t get into.

If you would like to learn more about Rust, I’d recommend reading the Rust Book or Rust by Example for those who prefer a more practical approach to learning.

The code for Snake can be found on GitHub where you can also raise an issue or submit a correction to this article.